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Monthly evolution of internal costs for warehouses and cold stores
With this cost index tool each warehouse can easily calculate the monthly evolution of internal costs and act accordingly. Each user can create several costs profiles (general + customer-specific) and therein save multiple cost spreads. On the basis of these costs ranges one obtains a detailed price evolution table and a graphical overview.
Each warehouse can by this tool, in a valid manner, process any cost increases/decreases in its overall prices.
If desired a monthly overview, with the specific index evolutions, can be sent by email.
Distribution of costs linked to four official indexes
Each warehouse has the option of varying the "values" of these indices based on the role they have in their own business.
The following values can be divided:
- Handling
- Storage
- Freezing
Which may themselves be divided into:
- Wages (Labor Index)
- Energy (Electricity Index)
- Other (Consumer Price Index)
Further, we also share the ITLB index to visualize the increase of your distribution costs.
- Distribution (index of transport related activities of ITLB)
ITLB Cost Index
The "ITLB Cost Index for the purpose of road freight transport" provides a valid basis by publishing monthly the cost index for transport related activities. ITLB is an independent research institute which carries out research in the field of traffic, transport, infrastructure and logistics.
source : www.itlb.be
The consumer price index.
To measure the evolution of the ‘cost of living’, an index is used. This economic indicator measures the price evolution of a basket of goods and services that are bought by households and enterprises that represent their consumption habits.
The electricity index
The evolutions of the component "energy" is the index that is used in the calculation of the consumer price index and published monthly in the table "Indexes per product as from 2006" (COICOP, line>
The index of labor costs.
This includes the total cost of a warehouse for the employment of workers. They include direct wages for the reference period, bonuses, benefits in kind, statutory contributions for social security, social security contributions based on collective labor agreements or voluntary, social contributions paid by the employer, training costs, taxes, minus subsidies received.
source : statbel.fgov.be --> loonkost
1. Labour cost index -
4 December 2024 15:05
Quarterly Index of Labour Costs measures short-term trends in "average hourly labour costs", defined as (total) labour costs divided by the corresponding number of hours worked in the relevant quarter. This index includes the labour component "wages and salaries", the "employers' social security contributions", plus taxes, including "bonuses", "supplements", "premiums", ... paid in each pay period. It is based on the data from the NSSO: National Social Security Office.last updated : 4 December 2024 15:05
source : statbel.fgov.be --> loonkost
2. Electricity -
4 December 2024 15:05
The evolutions of the component "energy" is the index that is used in the calculation of the consumer price index (Excl. VAT *) and published monthly in the table "Indexes per product as from 2006" (COICOP, line
(* Reason: the VAT reduction from 21% to 6% on 01.04.2014 and the increase of 6% to 21% on 1/09/2015 was neutralized)last updated : 4 December 2024 15:05
3. Consumer price index -
4 December 2024 15:05
To measure correctly increases in the cost of living, one use a monthly index. This economic indicator measures the change in price of a basket of goods and services purchased by households and businesses, and is representative for their consumption habits.
last updated : 4 December 2024 15:05
4. ITLB -
4 December 2024 15:05
The Institute of Transport & Logistics Belgium calculates monthly the cost and cost evolution for national cargo transport and for national and international transport in general.
This monthly index indicates the average evolution of the main cost and the total cost in the form of indices and is a government-recognized tool when negotiating any freight rate revisions (the cost indices and their quarterly average progression are published in the Official Gazette).
The expense items which are taken into account are: fuel; tires; repair, overhaul, maintenance; vehicle depreciation; operational staff; insurance of the vehicle; CMR operation insurance; other direct vehicle costs; financing; overheads.
last updated : 4 December 2024 15:05
source : www.itlb.be
Try the BVBVK cost index tool now!
- Non BVBVK members : free and without obligation for 7 days.
- BVBVK Members : unlimited free use.
This instrument may only be used within the guidelines set out by the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) and should therefore only be used for providing insight into cost developments within the internal operations.
Create an account
- Non BVBVK members : free and without obligation for 7 days.
- BVBVK Members : unlimited free use.
Questions or do you need help?
For help turn to Koen Vangoidsenhoven of the Secretariat of BVBVK.
+32 475 26 50 94
BVBVK - Professional Association of the Belgian Freezing and Refrigeration Industry.
The Belgian Cold Storage Association was founded in 1921 as the "Belgian professional association of Refrigeration Industries". The Belgian Cold Storage Association covers all the logistics companies which are involved in storage for third parties under controlled temperature, refrigeration or freezing, including related services.